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Our goal is to live in a world free of ovarian cancer. How do we get there?
It starts with education and awareness.
Ovations for the Cure continues to provide education programs that prioritize increasing the awareness of ovarian cancer to improve early detection. Focusing on improving the lives of women currently diagnosed with ovarian cancer, we have created and participated in many patient support programs such as the Helping Hands Meal Delivery Program, the Butterfly Bangle Program, the Butterfly Buddy PenPal Program and the Annual Learning for Living with Ovarian Cancer Symposium - A Day of Hope and Healing.
And maybe, most importantly, continuing to fund critical research that is getting us closer to a test for early detection and a cure every day. With your help, we can attain better research, increased awareness, and support. This year there was approximately 19,680 new cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed and sadly, 12,740 will not survive.
With the support of Team Ovations at the Jimmy Fund Walk, we continue to donate every year to the Dr. Ursula Matulonis’ Research Fund at Dana Farber.
To date, we have donated over $968,000 directly to this fund over $1.8 million to ovarian cancer research initiatives and treatment programs
We know that all our efforts are only possible because of the contributions and support we receive from donors like you.
Thank you for believing in us and supporting our mission.